دیتاشیت LNK362-364

مشاهده جزئیات دانلود


- ورژن :
امتیاز: 5/3.0 (478 آرا)

LinkSwitch-XT Family

Energy Efficient, Low Power

Off-Line Switcher IC

AC-DC Power Conversion - LinkSwitch-XT 6W 85-265 VAC 9W 230 VAC

Optimized for Lowest System Cost

  • Proprietary IC trimming and transformer construction techniques enable Clampless™ designs with LNK362 for lower system cost, component count and higher efficiency
  • Fully integrated auto-restart for short circuit and open loop protection
  • Self-biased supply – saves transformer auxiliary winding and associated bias supply components
  • Frequency jittering greatly reduces EMI
  • Meets HV creepage requirements between DRAIN and all other pins both on the PCB and at the package
  • Lowest component count switcher solution


- اسم فایل : LNK362-364.pdf
- حجم فایل : 757.82 Kb
- دانلودها : 550
- ایجاد شده : شنبه ۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۰۷
- به روز شده : شنبه ۱۳۹۷/۱۱/۲۷
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