خیابان ولیعصر- پایین تر از جمهوری و قبل از بن بست میلانی - پلاک 1231 - طبقه 2 - واحد 5
تهران, تهران, ایران



مشاهده و خرید سریع بررسی بیشتر

2,103,200 ریال

The is a wideband video amplifier system intended for high resolution monochrome or RGB monitor application

توضیحات کالا

The LM1201 is a wideband video amplifier system intended for high resolution monochrome or RGB monitor applica- tions. In addition to the wideband video amplifier the LM1201 contains a gated differential input black level clamp comparator for brightness control and an attenuator circuit for contrast control. The LM1201 also contains a voltage reference for the video input. For medium resolution RGB color monitor applications also see the LM1203 Video Am- plifier System data sheet.

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