TC4560BP C 2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC NBCD ADDER_ TC4560BP is NBCD natural BCD adder which adds two binary coded decimal numbers (BCD code).
The sum of BCD inputs applied to four data input lines
دسته بندی کالاها
خیابان ولیعصر- پایین تر از جمهوری و قبل از بن بست میلانی - پلاک 1231 - طبقه 2 - واحد 5
3,085,500 ریال
TC4560BP is NBCD natural BCD adder which adds two binary coded decimal numbers (BCD code).
TC4560BP C 2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC NBCD ADDER_ TC4560BP is NBCD natural BCD adder which adds two binary coded decimal numbers (BCD code).
The sum of BCD inputs applied to four data input lines