خیابان ولیعصر- قبل از تقاطع جمهوری و بعد از بن بست میلانی - پلاک 1231 -طبقه 2-واحد 5
تهران, تهران, ایران



مشاهده و خرید سریع بررسی بیشتر
View meter ДУП-М DUP-M

2,922,700 ریال

Remote position indicator DUP-M is designed for remote indication of the output shaft of the electric actuator having a rheostat or an inductive sensor.   Technical characteristics of the devices of remote pointers DUP-M:

توضیحات کالا

The electric power index - single phase alternating current with a nominal voltage of 220V, 240V, 50Hz, 60Hz or 220V.
Allowed voltage power supply unit position indicator DUP-M remote from the nominal - from -15% to +10%, frequency of 2%.
Range of initial and final position the arrow cursor position - at least half of the scale for both positions for rheostatic and for inductive sensors.
The power consumed by the device of the remote pointer DUP-M - no more than 5W.
Weight - no more than 0.6 kg.

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