آی سی HMC575 یک ضرب کننده فرکانس x2 در گستره 3 تا 4 گیگا هرتز به 6 تا 8 گیگاهرتز می باشد.
High Output Power: +17 dBm
Low Input Power Drive: -2 to +6 dBm
Fo, 3Fo Isolation: 15 dBc
100 KHz SSB Phase Noise: -140 dBc/Hz
Single Supply: +5V@ 90 mA
RoHS Compliant 4x4 mm SMT Package
General Description:
The HMC575LP4 & HMC575LP4E are x2 active
broadband frequency multipliers utilizing GaAs
PHEMT technology in a leadless RoHS compliant
SMT package. When driven by a 3 dBm signal, the
multiplier provides +17 dBm typical output power from
6 to 9 GHz. The Fo and 3Fo isolations are 15 dBc with
respect to output si gnal l evel. Thi s frequency mul ti pl i er
features DC blocked I/O’s, and is ideal for use in LO
multiplier chains for Pt to Pt & VSAT Radios yielding
reduced parts count vs. traditional approaches. The low
additive SSB Phase Noise of -140 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz
offset helps maintain good system noise performance.
The HMC575LP4 & HMC575LP4E are compatible with
surface mount manufacturing techniques.